STP: Spanning Tree Protocol

layer 2 routing STP


This tutorial discusses the plugin stpDecode. It prevents layer 2 switching loops and unstable mac tables by disabling redundant links per VLAN. The plugin includes, STP/802.1D, the Cisco implementation PVST+, RSTP(+). It is useful to have an aggregated look at at the conversion of all bridges, if you can monitor all the traffic.


First, restore T2 into a pristine state by removing all unnecessary or older plugins from the plugin folder ~/.tranalyzer/plugins:

t2build -e -y

Are you sure you want to empty the plugin folder '/home/wurst/.tranalyzer/plugins' (y/N)? yes
Plugin folder emptied

Then compile the core (tranalyzer2) and the following plugins:

t2build tranalyzer2 basicFlow protoStats stpDecode txtSink


If you did not create a separate data and results directory yet, please do it now in another bash window, that facilitates your workflow:

mkdir ~/data ~/results

The sample PCAP used in this tutorial can be downloaded here: rpvstp-trunk-native-vid1.pcap.

Please save it in your ~/data folder.

Now you are all set for analyzing STP traffic!


This plugin was originally developed for troubleshooting purposes and evolved in the last time a bit. Note that you need to choose the location of your tap wisely, and you need to program a monitor port, otherwise you do not see much.

Let’s look at the plugin configuration first:


vi src/stpDecode.h

/* ========================================================================== */
/* User configuration flags                                                   */
/* ========================================================================== */

#define STP_RTPREXT 1 // 1: Priority Extension MAC, 0: BID hex

/* +++++++++++++++++++++ ENV / RUNTIME - conf Variables +++++++++++++++++++++ */

/*        No env / runtime configuration flags available for stpDecode        */

/* ========================================================================== */
/* ------------------------- DO NOT EDIT BELOW HERE ------------------------- */
/* ========================================================================== */

Currently you can only choose between the presentation of the bridge ID. Sometimes it is easier for post-processing to print just the full 64 bit BID. Human readable is default, which we will keep for now.

Run t2 on the supplied pcap.

t2 -r ~/data/rpvstp-trunk-native-vid1.pcap -w ~/results/ -s

72 STP packets are detected and the aggregated stpStat currently has only one bit which states, there is STP.

tawk -V stpStat=0x01

The stpStat column with value 0x01 is to be interpreted as follows:

   bit | stpStat | Description
     0 | 0x01    | Flow is STP

The aggregated BPDU types are (note that stpType is NOT LOG2 aggregated, as the Types code unique hex values):

tawk -V stpType=0x02

The stpType column with value 0x02 is to be interpreted as follows:

   bit | stpType | Description
     2 | 0x02    | Rapid/Multiple Spanning Tree

The states which the switches passed already are

tawk -V stpFlags=0x3f

The stpFlags column with value 0x3f is to be interpreted as follows:

   bit | stpFlags | Description
     0 | 0x0001   | Topology Change
     1 | 0x0002   | Proposal
     2 | 0x0004   | Port RoleL
     3 | 0x0008   | Port RoleH
     4 | 0x0010   | Learning
     5 | 0x0020   | Forwarding

All the status bits have their counter part in the flow and packet files.

In the pcap we have a variety of traffic we need for other tutorials. Here we are interested in version 2 PvSTP. We have 89% of all packets are of this type. If you have a look at the protocol file, you will see all protocols present in the pcap.

tcol ~/results/rpvstp-trunk-native-vid1_protocols.txt

# Total packets: 81
# Total bytes: 5187 (5.19 K)
# L2/3 Protocol	                       Packets	                         Bytes	Description
0x010b	                  48 [ 59.26%]	                3168 [ 61.08%]	Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Protocol (PvSTP)
0x2003	                   1 [  1.23%]	                  99 [  1.91%]	VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP)
0x2004	                   3 [  3.70%]	                 180 [  3.47%]	Dynamic Trunk Protocol (DTP)
0x4242	                  24 [ 29.63%]	                1440 [ 27.76%]	PCS Basic Block Protocol (STP/RSTP/MSTP)
0x9000	                   5 [  6.17%]	                 300 [  5.78%]	Loopback

# Total IPv4 packets: 0 [0.00%]
# Total IPv6 packets: 0 [0.00%]
# L4 Protocol	                       Packets	                         Bytes	Description

# Total TCP packets: 0 [0.00%]
# Total TCP bytes: 0 [0.00%]

# Total UDP packets: 0 [0.00%]
# Total UDP bytes: 0 [0.00%]

Now let’s look at the flow file. The costs are 0, the Root and Bridge MAC are the same as the switch is the root bridge. The extensions represent the VLAN ID 1 and 5. Flow 4 is encapsulated in VLAN 5.

tcol ~/results/rpvstp-trunk-native-vid1_flows.txt

%dir  flowInd  flowStat            timeFirst          timeLast           duration   numHdrDesc  numHdrs  hdrDesc           srcMac             dstMac             ethType  ethVlanID  srcIP  srcIPCC  srcIPOrg  srcPort  dstIP  dstIPCC  dstIPOrg  dstPort  l4Proto  stpStat  stpVer  stpType  stpFlags  stpRtCst  stpRtPrio  stpRtExt  stpRtMAC           stpBrdgPrio  stpBrdgExt  stpBrdgMAC         stpFrwrd
A     6        0x0000000000000004  1260959795.561468  1260959795.561468  0.000000   1           3        eth:llc:vtp       00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc  0x2003              -      -        "-"       0        -      -        "-"       0        0        0x00     0       0x00     0x00      0         0          0         00:00:00:00:00:00  0            0           00:00:00:00:00:00  0
A     1        0x0000000000000004  1260959788.556919  1260959820.557060  32.000141  1           3        eth:llc:dtp       00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc  0x2004              -      -        "-"       0        -      -        "-"       0        0        0x00     0       0x00     0x00      0         0          0         00:00:00:00:00:00  0            0           00:00:00:00:00:00  0
A     5        0x0000000000000004  1260959790.601692  1260959830.623618  40.021926  1           2        eth:loop          00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  0x9000              -      -        "-"       0        -      -        "-"       0        0        0x00     0       0x00     0x00      0         0          0         00:00:00:00:00:00  0            0           00:00:00:00:00:00  0
A     2        0x0000000000000004  1260959790.560860  1260959833.956010  43.395150  1           3        eth:llc:stp       00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd  0x010b              -      -        "-"       0        -      -        "-"       0        0        0x01     2       0x02     0x3f      0         32768      1         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        1           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  15
A     3        0x0000000000000004  1260959790.560877  1260959833.956056  43.395179  1           3        eth:llc:stp       00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:80:c2:00:00:00  0x4242              -      -        "-"       0        -      -        "-"       0        0        0x01     2       0x02     0x3f      0         32768      1         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        1           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  15
A     4        0x0000000000000104  1260959790.560957  1260959833.956173  43.395216  1           4        eth:vlan:llc:stp  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd  0x010b   5          -      -        "-"       0        -      -        "-"       0        0        0x01     2       0x02     0x3f      0         32768      5         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        5           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  15

The packet file shows more details per packet, so that you can track your switches as the change their state. Here we also decode the PVST info:

tcol ~/results/rpvstp-trunk-native-vid1_packets.txt

%pktNo  flowInd  flowStat            time               pktIAT     pktTrip   flowDuration  numHdrs  hdrDesc           ethVlanID  srcMac             dstMac             ethType  srcIP  srcIPCC  srcIPOrg  srcPort  dstIP  dstIPCC  dstIPOrg  dstPort  l4Proto  stpStat  stpProto  stpVer  stpType  stpFlags  stpRtCst  stpRtPrio  stpRtExt  stpRtMAC           stpBrdgPrio  stpBrdgEst  stpBrdgMAC         stpPort  stpMsgAge  stpMaxAge  stpHello  stpFrwrd  stpPvstOrigVlan  l7Content
1       1        0x0000000000000004  1260959788.556919  0.000000   0.000000  0.000000      3        eth:llc:dtp                  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc  0x2004                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ....\ncisco..............\n..m..........
2       1        0x0000000000000004  1260959789.563537  1.006618   0.000000  1.006618      3        eth:llc:dtp                  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc  0x2004                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ....\ncisco..............\n..m..........
3       2        0x0000000000000004  1260959790.560860  0.000000   0.000000  0.000000      3        eth:llc:stp                  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd  0x010b                                                                                  0x01     0x0000    2       0x02     0x0e      0         32768      1         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        1           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  0x8004   0          20         2         15        1                .........m...........m....................
4       3        0x0000000000000004  1260959790.560877  0.000000   0.000000  0.000000      3        eth:llc:stp                  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:80:c2:00:00:00  0x4242                                                                                  0x01     0x0000    2       0x02     0x0e      0         32768      1         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        1           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  0x8004   0          20         2         15                         .........m...........m.....................
5       4        0x0000000000000104  1260959790.560957  0.000000   0.000000  0.000000      4        eth:vlan:llc:stp  5          00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd  0x010b                                                                                  0x01     0x0000    2       0x02     0x0e      0         32768      5         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        5           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  0x8004   0          20         2         15        5                .........m...........m....................
6       5        0x0000000000000004  1260959790.601692  0.000000   0.000000  0.000000      2        eth:loop                     00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  0x9000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ..............................................
7       2        0x0000000000000004  1260959791.557766  0.996906   0.000000  0.996906      3        eth:llc:stp                  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd  0x010b                                                                                  0x01     0x0000    2       0x02     0x0e      0         32768      1         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        1           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  0x8004   0          20         2         15        1                .........m...........m....................
8       3        0x0000000000000004  1260959791.557783  0.996906   0.000000  0.996906      3        eth:llc:stp                  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:80:c2:00:00:00  0x4242                                                                                  0x01     0x0000    2       0x02     0x0e      0         32768      1         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        1           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  0x8004   0          20         2         15                         .........m...........m.....................
9       4        0x0000000000000104  1260959791.557873  0.996916   0.000000  0.996916      4        eth:vlan:llc:stp  5          00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd  0x010b                                                                                  0x01     0x0000    2       0x02     0x0e      0         32768      5         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        5           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  0x8004   0          20         2         15        5                .........m...........m....................
30      2        0x0000000000000004  1260959805.650572  2.013267   0.000000  15.089712     3        eth:llc:stp                  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd  0x010b                                                                                  0x01     0x0000    2       0x02     0x1e      0         32768      1         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        1           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  0x8004   0          20         2         15        1                .........m...........m....................
31      3        0x0000000000000004  1260959805.650591  2.013269   0.000000  15.089714     3        eth:llc:stp                  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:80:c2:00:00:00  0x4242                                                                                  0x01     0x0000    2       0x02     0x1e      0         32768      1         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        1           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  0x8004   0          20         2         15                         .........m...........m.....................
32      4        0x0000000000000104  1260959805.650687  2.013257   0.000000  15.089730     4        eth:vlan:llc:stp  5          00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd  0x010b                                                                                  0x01     0x0000    2       0x02     0x1e      0         32768      5         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        5           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  0x8004   0          20         2         15        5                .........m...........m....................
33      2        0x0000000000000004  1260959807.663835  2.013263   0.000000  17.102976     3        eth:llc:stp                  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd  0x010b                                                                                  0x01     0x0000    2       0x02     0x1e      0         32768      1         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        1           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  0x8004   0          20         2         15        1                .........m...........m....................
34      3        0x0000000000000004  1260959807.663853  2.013262   0.000000  17.102976     3        eth:llc:stp                  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:80:c2:00:00:00  0x4242                                                                                  0x01     0x0000    2       0x02     0x1e      0         32768      1         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        1           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  0x8004   0          20         2         15                         .........m...........m.....................
35      4        0x0000000000000104  1260959807.663948  2.013261   0.000000  17.102991     4        eth:vlan:llc:stp  5          00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd  0x010b                                                                                  0x01     0x0000    2       0x02     0x1e      0         32768      5         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        5           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  0x8004   0          20         2         15        5                .........m...........m....................
36      2        0x0000000000000004  1260959809.677172  2.013337   0.000000  19.116312     3        eth:llc:stp                  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd  0x010b                                                                                  0x01     0x0000    2       0x02     0x1e      0         32768      1         00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  32768        1           00:1f:6d:96:ec:00  0x8004   0          20         2         15        1                .........m...........m....................

If you switch to the hex representation of the BID, you will see the BID as a 64-bit number.

t2conf stpDecode -D STP_RTPREXT=0 && t2build stpDecode

t2 -r ~/data/rpvstp-trunk-native-vid1.pcap -w ~/results/ -s

tcol ~/results/rpvstp-trunk-native-vid1_flows.txt

%dir  flowInd  flowStat            timeFirst          timeLast           duration   numHdrDesc  numHdrs  hdrDesc           srcMac             dstMac             ethType  ethVlanID  srcIP  srcIPCC  srcIPOrg  srcPort  dstIP  dstIPCC  dstIPOrg  dstPort  l4Proto  stpStat  stpVer  stpType  stpFlags  stpRtCst  stpRtBID            stpBrdgBID          stpFrwrd
A     6        0x0000000000000004  1260959795.561468  1260959795.561468  0.000000   1           3        eth:llc:vtp       00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc  0x2003              -      -        "-"       0        -      -        "-"       0        0        0x00     0       0x00     0x00      0         0x0000000000000000  0x0000000000000000  0
A     1        0x0000000000000004  1260959788.556919  1260959820.557060  32.000141  1           3        eth:llc:dtp       00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc  0x2004              -      -        "-"       0        -      -        "-"       0        0        0x00     0       0x00     0x00      0         0x0000000000000000  0x0000000000000000  0
A     5        0x0000000000000004  1260959790.601692  1260959830.623618  40.021926  1           2        eth:loop          00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  0x9000              -      -        "-"       0        -      -        "-"       0        0        0x00     0       0x00     0x00      0         0x0000000000000000  0x0000000000000000  0
A     2        0x0000000000000004  1260959790.560860  1260959833.956010  43.395150  1           3        eth:llc:stp       00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd  0x010b              -      -        "-"       0        -      -        "-"       0        0        0x01     2       0x02     0x3f      0         0x8001001f6d96ec00  0x8001001f6d96ec00  15
A     3        0x0000000000000004  1260959790.560877  1260959833.956056  43.395179  1           3        eth:llc:stp       00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:80:c2:00:00:00  0x4242              -      -        "-"       0        -      -        "-"       0        0        0x01     2       0x02     0x3f      0         0x8001001f6d96ec00  0x8001001f6d96ec00  15
A     4        0x0000000000000104  1260959790.560957  1260959833.956173  43.395216  1           4        eth:vlan:llc:stp  00:1f:6d:96:ec:04  01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd  0x010b   5          -      -        "-"       0        -      -        "-"       0        0        0x01     2       0x02     0x3f      0         0x8005001f6d96ec00  0x8005001f6d96ec00  15

Look also in the packet file yourself.


Don’t forget to reset the plugin configuration for the next tutorial.

t2conf stpDecode --reset && t2build stpDecode

Have fun analyzing!